An Announcement from Tony Micklus Running for Vermont State House of Representatives

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Vermont State House of Representatives. Our state stands at a critical juncture, and it's time for bold, decisive leadership to address the challenges we face.

Recently, the State House passed an education bill resulting in a 15%-20% tax increase. This decision is deeply troubling, especially for someone like me who has spent nearly a decade in real estate, witnessing the financial strain on families. With housing costs soaring, many homeowners are already at their breaking point. Further tax hikes could push them toward foreclosure, an ordeal no family should endure.

Vermont's issue isn't a lack of income; it's excessive spending. The current mindset in our State House assumes the wealthy will shoulder these burdens. However, as they relocate to states with lower taxes, the middle class is left to bear the increasing load. Just today, I spoke with a resident moving to Tennessee, drawn by significantly lower taxes—a clear sign that we need urgent reform.

For too long, a legislative supermajority has made unchecked decisions, assured of reelection regardless of their performance. It's time for a change. If you're dissatisfied with our state's direction, the solution is clear: vote for new leadership. As your representative, I promise to provide the robust alternative our state needs.

We must scrutinize state expenditures and make tough but necessary budgetary decisions. We can't fund every program at maximum levels without risking financial imprudence. With my 30-year background in technology, I am uniquely positioned to integrate cost-effective solutions, particularly in education. Why maintain schools with more staff than students when technology can offer innovative, cost-saving measures?

Together, we can steer Vermont back to fiscal responsibility and ensure a prosperous future for all. I am ready to lead this charge and ask for your support in making these critical changes. Let's not settle for the status quo. Let's demand better and make a decisive stand at the polls. Your voice and your vote can redefine our state's future.

Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,

Tony Micklus