Dear Friends and Supporters,

I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt call to action. As many of you know, our state is at a critical juncture. With recent decisions in the State House leading to significant tax increases and ongoing spending issues, Vermont needs a fresh perspective and a new direction. This is why I am running for the Vermont State House of Representatives, and I need your help to make this vision a reality.

Our campaign is built on the belief that Vermont deserves better. We deserve a government that listens to its people, manages its finances responsibly, and creates a sustainable future for all residents. However, achieving this goal requires a collective effort. Your involvement is crucial to our success.

Volunteering for our campaign offers you the opportunity to make a real difference in our community. By joining us, you will help spread our message of fiscal responsibility, innovative solutions, and a brighter future for Vermont. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or dedicate more time, your contribution will be invaluable.

Here are just a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Canvassing: Join us in going door-to-door to speak with neighbors about the issues that matter most and why our campaign is the solution Vermont needs.

  2. Phone Banking: Help us reach out to voters through phone calls, sharing our vision and encouraging them to support our cause.

  3. Event Planning and Support: Assist in organizing and running campaign events, from town hall meetings to fundraisers, ensuring they run smoothly and effectively.

  4. Social Media and Outreach: Use your online presence to amplify our message, engage with supporters, and attract new volunteers.

  5. Administrative Support: Help with the behind-the-scenes work that keeps our campaign running, from data entry to coordinating volunteer activities.

Your involvement in our campaign is not just about supporting a candidate; it's about being part of a movement to bring positive change to Vermont. Together, we can address the spending issues, implement cost-effective solutions in education, and ensure a prosperous future for our state.

If you are ready to make a difference and volunteer for our campaign, please contact us at You can also sign up here. Every effort, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to our goal.

Thank you for considering this important role in our campaign. Together, we can make Vermont a place where everyone can thrive.

Warm regards,

Anthony "Tony" Micklus

Candidate for Vermont State House of Representatives